Thermo-Fisher Talos L120C G2
Transmission Electron Microscope

Model Information

  • Thermo-Fisher Talos L120C G2 Transmission Electron Microscope
  • Installed: Mar 17, 2020


  • High-resolution digital cameras:
    • SmartCam (8 Mpixel CCD, 16-bit 40fps)
    • Thermo-Fisher Ceta (cooled 16 Mpixel CMOS, 16-bit 1-25fps)
  • Unsurpassed high-contrast/high-resolution TEM
    • 20-120 kV operating voltage
    • Lab6 filament (tungsten also available)
  • Long-duration (3-4d) liquid nitrogen-cooled anticontamination device
  • Advanced Cryo-EM capabilities:
    • Automatic cryo-port
    • Long-duration Gatan Elsa cryo-holder
    • Classic Gatan 626 cryo-holder
  • EPU software for automated multi-position imaging (ideal for single-particle studies)
  • Low dose features for minimizing beam damage
  • Goniometer stage (±90°)


  • Thin sections of fixed embedded specimens
  • Negative staining, metal shadowing of purified proteins
  • Immuno-electron microscopy
  • Specimen orientation on motorized stage