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Scanning-spot Laser Confocal Microscopes
Laser Spinning-disk Confocal Microscopes
Olympus IX81: Fluorescence Cube Selections
To accommodate User requests, we’ve changed the fluorescence cubes on the inverted microscope (Olympus Station 1). All prior fluorophores can still be visualized, but you may have to use different controls in IPLab to get to them.
- If you do not need CFP or YFP, then you can select the fluorescence cube in the traditional way: (a) Click “OlympusIX-Log” and log “In” to the Olympus controller, (b) Click the “OlympusIX-Cube” button for a list of cube positions, and (c) Click the colored button next to the fluorophore-cube you want. If speed matters, (d) Click “OlympusIX-Log” and log “Out” of the Olympus controller.Current “OlympusIX-Cube” choices: 1) ICG (infrared dye), 2) GFP, 3) TexasRed, 4) Cy5, 5) YFP/CFP (only works with ‘Linking Device 1’; see below), 6) DIC
- If you need CFP or YFP (or FRET between them), then you’ll need to use a *different* interface: (a) Click “OlympusIX-Log” and log “In” to the Olympus controller, (b) Click the “Linking-Device 1” button for a list of cube positions “linked” to filter wheel settings, and (c) Click the fluorophore combination that you want. If speed matters, (d) Click “OlympusIX-Log” and log “Out” of the Olympus controller.If you plan to switch between ‘Linking-device 1’ and ‘OlympusIX-Cube’ to control the dichroic filter turret, remember to leave ‘Linking-device 1’ with the filter ‘wheels open’, otherwise an extra emission/excitation filter is left in your optical path (probably would obscure your desired fluorescence). Because this is a complicated thing to remember, we’ve added extra settings under ‘Linking-devices 1’ automating the filter wheel to allow standard visualization of standard cubes other than YFP/CFP.Current “Linking-Device 1” choices: 1) CFP, 2) YFP, 3) FRET, 4) wheels open, 5) Cy5, 6) Texas Red, 7) GFP, 8) ICG, 9) wheels open, 10) wheels open
Note: Linking devices 5-8 are offered as a convenience that duplicate “OlympusIX-Cube” settings (filter wheels set at ‘open’ positions).