
Your primary resource for microscope imaging

Set up an appointment to discuss your imaging goals with the Micfac staff.  We will identify the services and equipment you need.  If it is an instrument outside our inventory, we will refer to the appropriate service center or lab.  If the services and instruments are within our facility, we can provide cost estimates, and plan the strategy together.

For electron and light microscopy, there are pragmatic questions to address:

Electron Microscopy

  1. What are your samples? Tissue, cells, other? How big is the region of interest (preferably <1mm3)?
  2. How are you harvesting the tissue? Do you need fixative appropriate for EM (freshly prepared fix is best for preserving ultrastructure)?
  3. Is there a publication you are referencing?

Light Microscopy

  1. What are your samples? Tissue, cells, other? And about how thick is your sample?
  2. Are you looking to see intracellular morphology or are you trying to count the number of cells expressing a particular protein?
  3. Are you doing live-cell/live-tissue work? If so, do you need any extra environmental controls (temp, CO2, etc)?
  4. How many fluorescent labels will you be using and, if you know yet, what are those labels? (e.g. Alexa 488, DAPI and Texas Red…)
  5. Is there a publication you are referencing?