Multiphoton, Second-harmonic generation and Confocal Microscope
Zeiss 710NLO-Meta
Model Information
Zeiss AxioExaminer with 710NLO-Meta multiphoton and confocal module with spectral detection
Cite in your manuscripts (example text): NIH Grant S10RR024550 (Institute:Research Resources [RR])
Installed: Apr 2009
Coherent Chameleon VisionII (TiSapph) Laser with broadest spectral range and an integrated compensator for group-velocity dispersion (deepest penetration)
Zeiss AxioExaminer (upright) microscope with 710NLO-Meta confocal module
fully automated microscope with LCD remote control
NA 0.55 condenser (dry only) with DIC for 20x, 25x, 40x and 63x lenses
10x/0.3 EC-PlanNeofluar (dry)
20x/1.0 W-PlanApo, water
25x/0.8 LD LCI PlanApo, multi-immersion, optimized for multiphoton, astounding 0.59 mm penetration
40x/1.1W LD C-Apo, water, optimized for confocal
63x/1.2W C-Apo, water, optimized for confocal
6 laser lines (not multiphoton) available
458, 488, 514 (argon laser)
543 (green HeNe)
594 (HeNe gas)
633 (red HeNe)
Chameleon Vision II (automated pre-compensation; extremely fast scanning 40 nm/s)
680 – 1080 nm (ideal for 2-photon excitation of commonly used fluorophores and fluorescent proteins)
EXFO X-Cite 120XL light-guide coupled metal-halide bulb for wide-field fluorescence
Fluorescence filter sets
#49 for DAPI, #38 for GFP, #43 For CY3
Three spectral detection channels (formerly “Meta” and “fingerprint” capabilities)
arbitrary bandpass controlled by software
simple menu selection for specific dye combinations)
Three non-descanned detectors (for multiphoton): two epi-fluorescence and one transmission
filter sets for red/green (Filter Set 2u), or for CFP/YFP (Filter Set 7u)
Zen software, modules for Physiology, FRET, FRAP, and MultiTime
Single confocal/multiphoton images or image stacks for 3D viewing